Malacca Service Apartment

Informations générales

Prix : 299,00 RM

Annonce déposée

Détail de l'annonce

Malacca Ser­vices Apart­ment is located strate­gi­cally in the heart of His­tor­i­cal Her­itage Melaka.

This city-styled “Home Style Liv­ing” Ser­vices Apart­ment, It’s adja­cent to Melaka’s two main shop­ping and enter­tain­ment com­plexes: Mahkota Parade and Dataran Pahlawan.

Apart from short dis­tance away from shop­ping haven, the Malacca Ser­vices Apart­ment is at Melaka’s City Busi­ness Hub Melaka Raya. Within short walk­ing dis­tance to var­i­ous Her­itage His­tor­i­cal sites and places of inter­ests.

Ideal as a hol­i­day “Home Away From Home”, Our Hol­i­day Ser­vices Apart­ment con­cept is another first in Melaka to pro­vide com­fort­able and con­ve­nient “Home Style Liv­ing” to exec­u­tives and dig­ni­taries on visit to Melaka. Suit­able for those who comes for travel and busi­ness.

Mr.Gan :012-611 2108
Ms.Chew :012-612 2108
Office: 06-283 9635

more info please visit :

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Dernière visite le : 30/04 à 22:03

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